Mauro @xLontrax Toselli

Born analog in 1963, naturalized digital in 1994. Lifelong learner. In my professional life I have been a shop assistant, a shop manager, an IT teacher, the Technical Director of an IT private school, the italian Berghaus Brand Manager and the IT Director in a publishing company.

I regularly facilitate lectures, classes and workshops on various topics such as the use of Internet and the Web, Privacy and Reputation Management in the Internet age, Sketchnote and Problem Solving.

In particular I give "Networked Teen - gli Adolescenti e la rete" lecture in Mid and High schools to students and parents about web security, privacy and how the internet works.

Today I'm the Chief Technology Officer at GMDE Srl.

What I love
I do love a lot of things. The love for mountains is hardwired in my DNA, I sketchnote for love and for work, I do love cooking as well as coffee and pizza. If you ask me to depict myself in 3 words I'd say Enthusiasm, Passion, Empathy.
Do you Know? I wrote 2 books

100+1 Drawing Ideas
fo Sketchnoters and Doodlers

In 2016 I did learn about #the100DayProject on The Great Discontent website. This book is the byproduct of that project. Once finished, I had a bunch of tutorials and find myself going back to them to draw inspiration and ideas from. I must quote my mentor Mike Rohde: this book is not about Art, is about Ideas. This book is basic and at low cost. I want people to take notes ON my book, add colors, add features and details, writing on the pages and without regret, without the fear of ruining an expensive book. I want children to play with it, tear the pages off, destroy it without their parents getting mad.

The book is on sale here:

The xLontrax Theory of Sketchnote

This is a fun and unusual book, landscape oriented and bound on the large side, completely handwritten and hand drawn.

Sketchnoter on-demand

Would you like a visual, fresh, innovative version of your documents/slides/ideas? Let we talk about it!

Courses and Workshops

Sketchnote@Work is a full-immersion class, created specifically to boost creativity and innovation. Embrace Visuals to free your mind!
Idea Mapping

Thinking without making it's only fantasy. The idea mapping is a structured process to bring your ideas out of abstract, clearly depict goals and to lean toward them.
Problem Solving
What is a Problem

A problem is the distance between an undesirable effect and a most desirable one. This is the most important concept here. We must be aware of this distance, clearly define what is undesirable, what is more desirable which, by the way, can be much more that simply mitigate the undesirable effect.
Kickstart Activity

Solving problem is a tough activity. When people deal with problems are scared, stressed, strongly focused on the problem itself. They say things like "I can't see how to do this" or "I can't figure out this" or "I don't see what that meas" and if we try to make them open their minds they say "not now, not now I've a problem here..." in other words, they are stuck! A robust strategy can easily overcome these barrier and make people see the problem with different eyes, understand where they are stuck and start to work their way to the solution.
Visual Problem Solving

A shared problem is half solved. A big part of my job is to deal with problems. To do that I created my own system by mashing up mature methodology like TRIZ, ToC and Design Thinking with Sketchnote. The result is VPS (Visual Problem Solving) a lightweight, easy to use, effective and (why not) fun methodology to overcome empasses, kickstart solving activities and "keep the balls rolling".

Do you want to know more? Get in touch with me!
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